Tuesday 30 July 2013

4 C's to Career Success

Creating the life and career success you want and deserve is simple common sense. It’s not hard, but you need to do it right.

First, focus on the four C’s of success: clarity, commitment, confidence, and competence.

1. Clarify The Purpose And Direction For Your Life And Career
Create clarity by figuring out what success means to you personally.
Create clarity by creating a vivid mental image of yourself as a success.
Create clarity by determining your personal values.

2. Commit To Taking Personal Responsibility For Your Life And Career
Take personal responsibility for your life and career success.
Take personal responsibility by setting and achieving high goals.
Take personal responsibility by choosing to react positively to the people and events in
your life; especially the negative ones.

3. Build Unshakeable Self-Confidence
Build your confidence by choosing to be optimistic.
Build your confidence by facing your fears and acting.
Build your confidence by surrounding yourself with positive people.
Build your confidence by finding a mentor to help you create your success.
Build your confidence by sharing your knowledge and wisdom through mentoring others. Get competent: create positive personal impact, become an outstanding performer, become a dynamic communicator, build strong relationships.

4. Positive Personal Impact
Create positive personal impact by creating and nurturing your unique personal brand.
Create positive personal impact by being impeccable in your presentation of self; in person and on line.
Create positive personal impact by knowing the following basic rules of business etiquette.
Outstanding Performance

Become an outstanding performer by keeping your skills up to date by becoming a
lifelong learner.
Become an outstanding performer by learning to manage your time and life.
Become an outstanding performer by living a healthy life style.
Dynamic Communication

Become a dynamic communicator by demonstrating strong conversation skills.
Become a dynamic communicator by writing clearly and succinctly.
Become a dynamic communicator by mastering public speaking skills.
Relationship Building

Build relationships through self awareness. Use this knowledge to better understand
Build relationships by paying it forward; give with no expectation of return.
Build relationships by using conflict to strengthen, not weaken, relationships with the important people in your life.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Life is Ice Cream!!

This beautiful life...

A lot of people do with their lives what children do with sands at the beach; allow it slip through their hands while they watch.
Ice cream as we all know it can be very delicious, however there are two things you can do with it; watch it melt or lick it. This same principle applies to life. You can very well watch your life waste away right before your eyes or you can get up and do something with it.
Doing something with your life is definitely harder than watching it waste and no one ever said it was going to be easy.
Being a success in life is a process that requires consistent, determined and tactical strife. When going through this process it's advisable to use the stairs and not an elevator i.e. take it one at a time, your time and not someone else's.
The beautiful thing about an elevator is that it is fast and it takes you to the pinnacle in no time, however, when it's going down it takes you right to the nadir.
The stairs on the other hand are harder to use, one after another, painful at times but it also gets you to the pinnacle though takes longer. The major advantage however is that when you slip or go down, you go to the last stage and not necessarily the base where you have to start over.
Therefore, the elevator of success  is out of service, but the stairs are always open.

Please remember that the people you meet on your way up are the same people you'll meet on your way down, so be nice and courteous always, no recess.

Life is beautiful, Life is Ice cream and Life is not a bed of roses.

Tuesday 12 April 2011


Look to this day!
For it is life, the very life of life.
in its brief course
Lie all the varieties and realities of your existence:
The bliss of growth
The glory of action
The splendor of achievement, 
For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow is a vision, 
But today well lived makes every yesterday 
a dream of happiness
and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore to this day!
Such is the salutation to the dawn.

Just stumbled on this in an old book by Dale Carnegie, how to stop worrying and start living.

It's a great book. You should get a copy.

Monday 11 April 2011

Failing Forward

According to one of my favorite writers J.C. Maxwell, he described failing forward as taking three steps forward and two steps backward. The truth is when you take three steps forward and then go back by two steps, you have moved one step forward. We all have to fail to succeed, because it is the pain in failure that makes us appreciate the joy in success.

Thomas Edison once said after 500 failed experiments " i have not failed 500 times, i have only learnt 500 ways not to make an electric bulb". Failure is an inevitable stage in success, but you need to be persistent when you fail, always try again. Nobody fails at anything until they reach the stage when the finally give up.

I am from the school of thought that it is better to take the stairs through the pains of failure to success rather than the elevator. You wonder why? Hmmmnn. Think about it. When u fall from a stair you can go back to the last step and then try again, if the elevator however stops working, it takes you all the way to the ground floor before restarting.

In our quest for success, let us all remember that the shortcut never pays in the long run.